Labour Law


  • Legal engineering and strategic consulting
  • Implementation and monitoring of dismissal procedures (disciplinary, economic, incapacity, etc.) and contractual termination
  • Advice on amending employment contracts
  • Assistance to companies in their relations with the staff representative institutions and the administrations concerned (DIRECCTE, etc.)
  • Leadership Departure Negotiations
  • Drafting of profit-sharing plans, participation plans and prevention plans
  • Drafting employment contracts and complex clauses
  • Social audit operations in support of acquisitions
  • Negotiations in safeguard proceedings, receivership and liquidation proceedings
  • Drafting internal regulations, single document, unilateral commitments, etc.
  • Drafting of employment protection plans (PES)


  • Assistance and representation before the Labour Courts and the Social Chambers of the Courts of Appeal
  • Representation of companies in disputes related to the designation and operation of staff representative institutions
  • Assistance and representation before administrative courts
  • Assistance and representation in criminal matters (undeclared work offences, harassment, security, etc.)